What is Ergonomics ?
Ergonomics is "fitting the job to the worker." No matter what work you do, ergonomics plays an important role in preventing occupational injury and illness. We provide ergonomic evaluations, assessments, and modification plans.
About Our Ergonomic Training Program
Web-based training is an innovative approach to distance learning in which computer-based training (CBT) is transformed by the technologies of the World Wide Web, the Internet, and intranets. Online training is an ideal vehicle for delivering training to individuals anywhere in the world at any time. Web browsers that support animation, interactions and real-time audio and video offer unparalleled training opportunities.
Online Training delivers highly effective, CBT to meet the training needs of companies and individuals who wish to prevent low back and neck-arm-hand Musculo-Skeletal Disorders (MSDs) in the workplace. Our web-based or site-licensed training programs present media-rich content in an easy to use structure. This allows self-directed, self-paced instruction that is independent of computer platform.
Our programs have been presented in thousands of workplaces across North America over the past 20 years. Now, you can deliver this same training to your staff and employees at your convenience and help reduce injuries, claims and costs.
These interactive employee programs for the low back, upper extremities and Office Ergonomics can be used for training the general employee population, as part of new employee orientation, or as an annual refresher requirement. Look for other courses to become available later in the year.