Hard Facts About Why You Should See A Physical Therapist First For Knee Arthritis – Part 1

This is the first of five posts outlining the exceptional benefits and cost savings of seeing a physical therapist first for care of a variety of musculoskeletal, pelvic, and vascular conditions.  The article can be found at valueofpt.com .

The Economic Benefits of Physical Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common and painful condition that affects millions of people. As the cartilage in the knee wears down, individuals often experience pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. While many treatment options are available, physical therapy stands out as a highly effective and cost-efficient choice. In this article, we’ll explore the economic benefits of physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis and why it should be your go-to treatment option.

What Exactly Is Knee Osteoarthritis?

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease where the cartilage cushioning the bones in the knee deteriorates over time. This condition leads to pain, swelling, and decreased movement, significantly impacting daily activities and overall quality of life. Common risk factors include aging, obesity, joint injuries, and genetics.

The Role of Physical Therapists In Visalia and Hanford for Knee Arthritis

Orthopedic physical therapy involves a range of treatments designed to improve movement and manage pain. At Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy, we specialize in hands-on treatment to help you regain function and relieve pain. Common treatment techniques that help with knee OA include:

  • Manual Therapy: Our physical therapists use hands-on techniques to mobilize and manipulate the knee joint. This helps reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance the overall function of the knee.
  • Therapeutic & Gentle Aerobic Exercise: Tailored exercise programs strengthen the muscles around the knee, improve flexibility, and increase joint stability. These exercises can significantly reduce pain and improve the quality of life for individuals with knee osteoarthritis.
  • Patient Education: Understanding your condition and how to manage it is crucial. Our therapists provide valuable education on pain management techniques, lifestyle changes, and activity modifications to help you live better with knee osteoarthritis.
  • Personalized Guidance: Every patient is unique, and our therapists create customized treatment plans to meet individual needs. This personalized approach ensures the most effective and efficient care possible.

Economic Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy offers numerous economic advantages over other treatments, such as surgery or long-term medication use.

  • Cost-Effective Treatment: Studies have shown that physical therapy is a highly cost-effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis. It often costs less than surgical options and reduces the need for expensive medications.
  • Reduced Healthcare Costs: Physical therapy can lower overall healthcare costs by decreasing the need for surgery and reducing hospital visits. Patients who undergo physical therapy are less likely to need joint replacement surgery, which is costly and requires a lengthy recovery period.
  • Improved Productivity: By alleviating pain and improving mobility, physical therapy helps patients return to their daily activities and work more quickly. This reduces lost income and productivity associated with knee osteoarthritis.
  • Prevention of Further Damage: Early intervention with physical therapy can prevent the progression of knee osteoarthritis, reducing the likelihood of future medical expenses related to advanced joint damage.

Success Stories from Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy

I recently started Laser therapy at Bacci & Glinn because I’m in a lot of pain with bone on bone and spurs in both knees and the right knee with severe osteoarthritis. I have been dealing with this condition for 15 to 17 years. Due to the pain and inflammation I was missing work, barely able to walk and had to with a walker almost unable to care for myself cook meals shower etc.. and a lot of time in bed and feeling down. With the help and suggestions of family and the Laser Therapy at Bacci and Glinn especially Bob Bacci and his team I have had 2 treatments of Laser Therapy I’m back to work I do not use a walker, I’m not in bed as much, the pain has reduced tremendously along with the swelling and inflammation. 

Melody D.

Why Choose Physical Therapy?

Choosing physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis treatment is not just a smart economic decision but also a wise health choice. Physical therapy provides:

  • Non-Invasive Treatment: Unlike surgery, physical therapy is non-invasive, which means no risk of surgical complications.
  • Pain Management: Physical therapy focuses on natural pain relief through exercise and manual techniques.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: With improved mobility and reduced pain, patients can enjoy a better quality of life.

Call to Action

If you or a loved one is suffering from knee osteoarthritis, don’t wait to seek help.

At Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to providing top-notch care to help you regain your life. Our offices in Hanford and Visalia are ready to serve you. Call us today at (559) 733-2478 in Visalia or (559) 582-1027 in Hanford to schedule an appointment and learn more about how physical therapy can help you.

In Summary – If you are looking for knee arthritis treatment in Hanford or Visalia – We can help!

Knee osteoarthritis doesn’t have to control your life. Physical therapy offers a cost-effective, non-invasive, and highly effective treatment option that can alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance your overall quality of life. Choose Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy for expert care and start your journey to better knee health today.


For more detailed information, please refer to the PDF report from the American Physical Therapy Association available at valueofpt.com.

Osteoarthritis Treatment in Hanford – Physical Therapy Wins Again

Exercise Therapy Found To Be Better Than Pain Medications For Knee Osteoarthritis

If you are searching for osteoarthritis treatment in Hanford, we wrote this research summary for you. Before you dig into the summary, please understand that arthritis treatment in Hanford is not the only location we provide care.  We also provide conservative, natural care for those looking for osteoarthritis treatment in Visalia as well.

Arthritis – A Major Issue that Millions Deal With

Knee osteoarthritis is a bothersome condition that disables millions of Americans each year. In a normal knee, the ends of each bone are covered by cartilage, a smooth substance that protects the bones from one another and absorbs shock during impact. In knee osteoarthritis, this cartilage becomes stiff and loses its elasticity, which makes it more vulnerable to damage. Cartilage may begin to wear away over time, which greatly reduces its ability to absorb shock and increases the chances that bones will touch one another.

Typical Signs & Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis typically leads to pain within and around the knee that tends to get worse with activities like walking, ascending/descending stairs, or sitting/standing. Other symptoms include swelling, tenderness, stiffness, and a popping, cracking, crunching sensation. The risk for knee osteoarthritis increases with age, and it represents the most common cause of knee pain in older adults. Overall, about 45% of the population will experience knee osteoarthritis at some point in their lifetime.

Hundreds of Osteoarthritis Treatment Options for Hanford Residents – Which One Should You Pick?

Numerous interventions may be followed to address knee osteoarthritis, including over the counter and prescription medications, lifestyle changes like exercise and diet, physical therapy, and surgery, which is typically only reserved as a last resort for cases that don’t improve with other interventions. Opioids are not usually recommended for patients with knee osteoarthritis due to the risk for overuse and abuse, but some patients—especially those with severe, long-lasting pain—may still be prescribed these medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the more commonly used interventions to may provide mild pain relief, but long-term use of these drugs is discouraged. Exercise therapy, on the other hand, is considered a safe and effective way to manage knee osteoarthritis by helping patients move better through stretching, strengthening, and other exercises.

Powerful literature analysis supports the effectiveness of exercise therapy

A recently published study  compared these three commonly utilized interventions for knee osteoarthritis through a systematic review and network meta-analysis, which identifies and analyzes all available literature on the topic to determine which was best.

To conduct the study, researchers performed a literature search of three medical databases for high-quality studies that compared exercise therapy, NSAIDs, and opioids for knee osteoarthritis pain. This search led to 13 studies being included, which featured data on nearly 1,400 patients. A total of 101 supplemental studies were also included.

Exercise Therapy Wins – This is Exactly What Physical Therapists are Trained to Provide

Results showed that exercise therapy ranked as the best intervention overall in the network meta-analysis, followed by NSAIDs, opioids, and placebo.

These findings suggest that exercise therapy is an effective intervention for knee osteoarthritis. Considering the risks associated with opioids and long-term use of NSAIDs, exercise therapy presents a far better option for patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Therefore, if you’re currently dealing with symptoms that sound like knee osteoarthritis, we strongly encourage you to contact Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy.  You can learn more about our orthopedic physical therapy services by clicking here.

Contact Us Today – Take the First Step to Getting Rid of Your Pain

Call us at 559-733-2478 (Visalia) or 559-582-1027 (Hanford) to learn more or schedule an appointment today.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Visalia

If you need rheumatoid arthritis treatment in Visalia or Hanford, we can help.  This post describes how our physical therapy expert clinicians assist patients with their rheumatoid arthritis care in Hanford and Visalia.

Physical Therapy Should Be An Integral Component
Of Any Treatment Plan For Rheumatoid Arthritis

The ends of most bones are covered by a smooth, shiny surface called articular cartilage. The cartilage protects bones where they meet one another—at a joint—and provides a smooth surface that allows the bones to slide freely and not contact one another during movement.

Arthritis is general term that’s used to describe the loss of articular cartilage in one or more joints. About one in four Americans—which equates to nearly 59 million people—currently has arthritis, making it one of the most common medical conditions in the U.S. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are by far the most common of these.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, meaning it’s caused by the body’s own immune system mistakenly destroying healthy cartilage in joints. It occurs for reasons that are not completely understood, but a combination of genetics and hormonal or environmental factors likely play a role in its development. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect any joint of the body, but usually starts in the small joints of the hand. Women are about three times more likely than men to get rheumatoid arthritis, and it usually occurs in middle age—with an average age of onset of 30-60 years—but it’s also seen in younger individuals.

Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to a variety of symptoms, with some of the most common including:

  • Stiffness, swelling, and/or redness in joints, which is usually worse in the morning
  • Weakness and/or loss of range of motion
  • A sensation of “cracking” or “crushing” in the hand joints
  • Increased size or deformity of the hand
  • Fatigue and general discomfort

Unfortunately, there is no cure currently available for rheumatoid arthritis. Instead, most patients are managed with medications and other interventions designed to help them move more easily and efficiently, and physical therapy is one of the best tools to help them get there.

Physical Therapy as a Choice for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Visalia

Our physical therapists are movement experts that work with each patient individually to identify their biggest limitations from rheumatoid arthritis that are holding them back. From there, we design a personalized treatment program to address these symptoms, which will usually consist of:

  • Manual (hands-on) therapy: may include soft-tissue massage, stretching, and joint mobilizations to reduce pain and improve alignment, mobility, and range of motion
  • Stretching exercises: to improve the flexibility of joints affected by arthritis
  • Strengthening exercises: to build back up strength of the muscles of the hand and any other affected joints
  • Pain-relieving modalities: ultrasound, electrical stimulation, ice, and/or heat to decrease pain and inflammation of the involved joint

Research Supports the Use of Physical Therapy – Therefore, We Provide for Rheumatoid Arthritis Care in Visalia & Hanford

The benefits of physical therapy for rheumatoid arthritis have been confirmed in the medical literature, including one study of 490 patients. Results from this study showed that physical therapist-led hand exercises led to significant improvements in pain and hand function, and the intervention is likely to be cost-effective.

Rheumatoid arthritis can prove to be a nuisance that interferes with your ability to function normally in everyday life. So if you’re affected by symptoms that sound like rheumatoid arthritis, we can help.

Contact Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy at 559-733-2478 (Visalia) or 559-582-1027 (Hanford)


…to learn more about our rheumatoid arthritis experts in Visalia and Hanford…or to schedule an appointment today.

Community Exercise for Arthritis

Exercise Reduces Pain And Improve Function In Patients With Arthritis

As we discussed in our last blog, arthritis is a major healthcare issue in the U.S. Of the roughly 59 million adults who have arthritis, nearly half—or 26 million—report that their condition makes daily activities more difficult. As a result, many of these individuals’ quality of life is negatively affected, making arthritis a pressing concern for them.

Research has also shown that arthritis-related disability does not impact all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups equally. According to recent statistics, more than half of low-income adults and about two-thirds of those living near the poverty line are negatively affected in their daily lives due to arthritis, compared to about 30–40% of wealthier individuals. In addition, about 60% of American Indian and Alaskan Natives experience arthritis-related limitations, compared to only about 40% of White individuals and about half of all other racial and ethnic groups.

One way to help individuals that are more likely to be physically impaired from arthritis—chiefly lower-income individuals and persons of American Indian/Alaskan Native descent—is through a targeted approach. This type of approach aims to identify at-risk patients, encourage them to seek out treatment, and then manages them appropriately. Physical therapists, for example, are movement experts who frequently treat arthritis patients with comprehensive treatment programs that feature exercise, education, and other interventions intended to alleviate pain and improve function.

Exploring the role community exercise in patients with arthritis
Understanding the value of a targeted treatment approach, researchers conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of community exercise on pain and physical function in adults with arthritis and fibromyalgia. A meta-analysis is a study that collects and assesses all available research on a particular topic to obtain a comprehensive overview of the effectiveness of a particular intervention. In this meta-analysis, researchers identified 33 relevant studies on 3,180 adults with arthritis and fibromyalgia who underwent an exercise program delivered in their community. Of the exercise programs analyzed, most included both aerobic and strengthening exercises, while some focused on either aerobic or strengthening exercises alone.

Results showed that these community-delivered exercise programs significantly reduced pain and improved physical function in adults with arthritis or fibromyalgia. These findings were further strengthened by a lack of bias observed by researchers in these studies, and the fact that similar results were obtained when analyzed at both the study and group level. Finally, results from a test called the intention-to-treat analysis indicated not only that exercise was effective, but that it would also be effective in a real-world setting.

This study is important because it highlights how a targeted approach with a community-based exercise program can help patients with arthritic conditions improve. Physical therapists prescribe these types of interventions and promote exercise- and movement-based strategies for patients with impaired mobility due to arthritis. Therefore, if arthritis is currently interfering with your ability to complete normal daily activities, we strongly encourage you to contact Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy at 559-733-2478 (Visalia) or 559-582-1027 (Hanford) to learn more or to schedule an appointment today.

Physical Therapy to Treat Knee Osteoarthritis

Study shows that physical therapy produces
greater improvements than injections for knee arthritis

In our last blog, we discussed the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis and examined the role of imaging tests in the diagnosis and follow up of patients with this condition. We also explored why seeing physical therapist for knee pain first is always a smart choice because it will get you started on a movement-based program to regain your abilities from the start.

Should You Consider Steroid Injections?

But physical therapy is just one of many treatments available for knee osteoarthritis. Another popular option is the use of steroids that are injected into the affected knee to alleviate symptoms. Steroid injections are frequently used for patients with knee osteoarthritis, but there is conflicting evidence regarding their effectiveness and how long these benefits last. The guidelines regarding these injections also vary, and although rare, they have been associated with complications like infection and accelerated loss of articular cartilage.

Physical therapy has been recommended by some guidelines and was traditionally utilized frequently to treat knee osteoarthritis, but its use has been declining in recent years. According to one large study, four times as many patients with knee osteoarthritis received a steroid injection as physical therapy before undergoing knee surgery. It’s also been found that steroid injections don’t lead to any additional benefits to physical therapy for these patients.

For these reasons, a recent study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of steroid injections to physical therapy for patients with knee osteoarthritis. Researchers randomly assigned 156 participants with knee osteoarthritis to receive either ≤3 steroid injections over one year or ≤8 treatment sessions with a physical therapist over 4–6 weeks. In each session, the therapist would perform a series of hands-on, manual techniques to the knee and surrounding area that were intended to make it easier for the patient to perform various exercises and knee movements.

All patients were assessed before treatment began and then again one year later with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis (WOMAC) Index, which scores patients from 0 to 240, with higher scores indicating worse pain, function, and stiffness. Another outcome measure called the Global Rating of Change Scale was also used to assess patients’ symptoms, with higher values indicating greater improvements.

After one year, patients who received steroid injections reported WOMAC scores of 55.8, while those who received physical therapy reported scores of 37.0. In addition, scores on the Global Rating of Change scale were +4 (“moderately better”) in the steroid injection group and +5 (“quite a bit better”) in the physical therapy group.

Physical Therapy for Knee Arthritis is the Clear First Choice…But Some Still Need Surgery

Together, these findings show that physical therapy was more effective than steroid injections for patients with knee osteoarthritis, as they experienced greater improvements in pain, physical function, and stiffness one year after undergoing the intervention. Other studies have also identified a similar trend, with both injections and physical therapy producing similar outcome, but the benefits of therapy lasting for at least one year. Therefore, physical therapy appears to be the better option of the two since it outperformed steroid injections in the long term.

With this in mind, if your knee is bothering you and osteoarthritis may be responsible, we strongly recommend seeing a physical therapist first before considering other injections and other possible treatments.

Knee Arthritis Treatment in Hanford

For knee arthritis treatment in Hanford, we suggest you skip the imaging test and start physical therapy right away instead

If you are searching for options for knee arthritis treatment in Hanford, read on.  I’d like to share with you why our type of treatment is what you should try first.

Knee pain can be seriously detrimental to the flow of your life. Regardless of your activity level, you need your knees to function well in order to get around, and anything that gets in the way can slow you down and throw your days out of whack.

Such is the case with knee osteoarthritis, which is one of the most common causes of knee pain. Osteoarthritis describes several disorders in a joint that lead to inflammation-related symptoms due to the loss of cartilage and other changes to the structures within it. Any joint in the body can be affected by osteoarthritis, but it occurs most frequently in the knees, with knee osteoarthritis accounting for more than 80% of all cases.

Patients who develop knee osteoarthritis typically experience pain that gets worse with physical activity, swelling around the knee, a feeling of warmth in the joint, stiffness (especially in the morning or after sitting for a while), and sometimes a creaking sound that’s heard when the knee moves. These symptoms in turn lead to less mobility of the knee, which make it more difficult to walk and perform basic movements like getting in and out of a car and climbing stairs.

The Pictures Rarely Tell It All When It Comes to Knee Arthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is often diagnosed with a clinical evaluation—which includes a patient interview and thorough physical examination—and imaging tests like an X-ray and MRI. Many doctors use imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other conditions, but the value of these tests and whether or not they are always needed has been called into question.

For example, one study investigated the connection between the loss of cartilage and pain in the knees of 600 patients with knee osteoarthritis. The reason is that when knee osteoarthritis is discussed, there is often an emphasis on depleted cartilage being the primary driver of pain, which leads some patients to request an MRI or focus too heavily on its findings. Results of this study showed that while there was some relationship between cartilage loss and knee pain, it was “modest at best.” A loss of 0.1 mm of cartilage over 24 months was only associated with <1 point of worsening on a pain scale from 0–20.

These findings suggest that imaging tests like MRIs and evaluating the thickness of cartilage may not always be necessary for patients with knee osteoarthritis. This holds true for the diagnosis, which can be reached many patients with a clinical evaluation alone—especially those who are aged ≥50 years—and as patients continue to be examined in the long term. Imaging tests are also expensive and frequently lead to unnecessary or invasive procedures to treat abnormal findings that may be unrelated to pain.

Physical therapy is a smart alternative

An alternative approach is to see a physical therapist before any other medical professional if you’re experiencing knee pain. Physical therapists perform a detailed clinical evaluation during the first visit and generally aim to avoid imaging tests unless they are completely necessary. Another advantage of physical therapy is that it begins right away during this first visit, with less of an emphasis on the diagnosis itself and more on addressing your limitations and impairments with a movement-based strategy. This allows you to work through your problems with guided assistance while developing activity-related habits that will translate into long-term improvements and avoidance of pain in the future.

In our next blog, we’ll look at why physical therapy is a better option that steroid injections for knee osteoarthritis.

Looking for a Knee Arthritis Expert in Visalia? Read This First

If you have knee pain and are looking for a knee arthritis expert in Visalia, this is important for you to read.

It’s a sad fact that health care is no longer about conservative care first.  It’s a power struggle.  The insurance companies are paying less and less and healthcare providers are struggling to stay afloat.  As such, they will provide aggressive treatment before conservative treatment.  It’s a shame.  The research proves this.  More patients with knee arthritis are being prescribed pain medications, while fewer are seeing a physical therapist.

Our position is simple:

You should try conservative, natural care first, that is easy to access, affordable, and has little to no side effects.  If, and only if you’ve given conservative care enough time (this is important because your body takes time to heal), and conservative care doesn’t work, then you should go to the next level care i.e. diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, injections, and maybe surgery.

Arthritis is one of those conditions that responds very well to conservative care.  Here we will discuss this in detail.

Osteoarthritis (OA), sometimes referred to as wear-and-tear arthritis, is a condition in which the natural cushioning between joints called cartilage gradually wears away. Over time, this causes the bones of these joints to rub more closely against one another because there is less shock-absorbing cartilage. Once this happens, individuals with OA will begin to experience symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling, a feeling of warmth, and a decreased ability to move the joint normally.

OA is the Most Common Form of Arthritis

OA can occur in any joint in the body, but it’s most often seen in the hips and knees. Knee OA can also occur at any age, but the risk for developing it increases with older age because the body loses its ability to heal the damaged cartilage over time. This is why about 10% of men and 13% of women over the age of 60 have knee OA. Being obese or overweight also increases the chances of developing knee OA, since the additional weight puts more pressure on the knees and accelerates the process of cartilage thinning away.

There are a number of treatments available for addressing knee OA, but physical therapy and lifestyle changes—like losing weight and exercising more frequently—have consistently been recommended as first-line interventions that are supported by evidence. Following this course and seeing a physical therapist first can in turn lead to less use of healthcare and lower costs, as it will help patients avoid surgery and other expensive treatments. But many patients with knee OA go to a primary care doctor or surgeon to be evaluated first, leaving it up to them to decide whether or not to refer the patient to physical therapy. Some doctors will prescribe pain medications—like opioids— instead, which is not recommended as a long-term solution for knee OA.

Some Doctors Aren’t Trying Conservative Care First

To get a better idea of the decisions doctors make when treating knee OA patients, a study was conducted to evaluate the referral rates for physical therapy and lifestyle changes compared to prescriptions for pain medications. After searching through medical records, researchers identified 2,297 visits related to knee OA in which patients saw a surgeon, primary care doctor, or some other specialist. Analysis of these records over an eight-year period led to the following key findings:

  • Physical therapy and lifestyle changes were not frequently recommended, and there was a trend towards fewer referrals to physical therapy and lifestyle suggestions from surgeons over this time period
  • The rate of prescriptions for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like ibuprofen) nearly doubled in visits to both primary care doctors and surgeons
  • Prescriptions for opioids increased by nearly three-fold over this period of time, even though opioids are generally not recommended for knee OA

This study shows that despite many clear guidelines that push for non-drug and non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy for knee OA, the developing pattern is going in the opposite direction, as many doctors are not following these recommendations. One solution is for patients with knee OA to take matters into their own hands and see a physical therapist first rather than a specialist or primary care doctor. Patients do not need a referral for physical therapy and can make an appointment for their first visit on their own.

So, if you are searching for a knee arthritis expert in Visalia, and if you have questions, make sure you contact us for more information.  Simply click here.  We have two, convenient locations.

Knee Arthritis Treatment in Visalia

Research suggests that hands-on techniques may be best.  So, if you are in need of knee arthritis treatment in Visalia, this post may help.

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis is by far the most common. Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that most frequently occurs in people who are older than 50, but it can be seen in younger people as well. In a normal joint, articular cartilage serves as a natural cushion between bones that absorbs shock and prevents the bones from rubbing against one another. In osteoarthritis, this cartilage gradually diminishes, which creates an environment where bones have less protection and can eventually come in contact in severe cases.

Any joint in the body can be affected by osteoarthritis, but it’s especially common in the knees. Patients who develop knee osteoarthritis typically experience pain that gets worse with physical activity, swelling around the knee, a feeling of warmth in the joint, stiffness (especially in the morning or after sitting for a while), and sometimes a creaking sound that’s heard when the knee moves. These symptoms in turn lead to less mobility of the knee, which make it more difficult to walk and perform basic movements like getting in and out of a car and climbing stairs.

Age is the most common cause of knee osteoarthritis, since the ability of cartilage to heal decreases as a person gets older. There are a number of other factors that may increase the chances of developing knee osteoarthritis, but being overweight is another major one. The knees absorb a great deal of impact when standing, and being overweight or obese will place even more pressure on the knees, which stresses the tendons and other structures of the joint. This can accelerate the process of cartilage thinning away, which will increase the chances of getting knee osteoarthritis or make pain worse for those who already have it.

This is why it’s strongly advised to lose weight if you have knee osteoarthritis or are at risk for getting it, as losing just one pound can reduce the amount of pressure on the knees.

If weight loss isn’t appealing and you are looking for natural knee arthritis treatment in Visalia, there are other options.

One effective way to address symptoms is by becoming more active and performing exercises that improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles surrounding the knees. Doing this not only relieves the pressure on the knees, but also increases fitness levels, which can allow you become more active and improve your quality of life.

A physical therapist can help in all of these areas, but they can also perform manual therapy, in which they use only their hands to move, massage, and manipulate the knee joint in various ways to further reduce pain and other symptoms. The effectiveness of manual therapy for knee osteoarthritis has been pointed out in a number of studies, including one published in 2018 that concluded with the following statement:

This review indicated orthopedic manual therapy compared with exercise therapy alone provides short-term benefits in reducing pain, improving function, and physical performance in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Physical therapists are movement experts that work with patients on a one-on-one basis to determine which treatments will be most beneficial for their condition. So if you’re experiencing any knee-related issues that may be knee osteoarthritis or want to reduce your risk for the condition, we strongly recommend that you take action by getting in touch with one of our physical therapist today.

For more on knee arthritis treatment in Visalia, you can contact us at (559) 733-2478

Hand Arthritis Treatment in Hanford

Physical therapist-led exercises are the best solution for any type of hand arthritis

Despite what you may have read about arthritis, it’s often NOT a debilitating disease.  If you have chronic pain in your hands, you should seek out the expert advice of our therapists…they provide exceptional hand arthritis treatment in Hanford.  Here’s more about the hand and how we can help.

The hand is made up of 27 bones, and the end of each of these bones is covered by a smooth, shiny surface called articular cartilage. This cartilage protects the bones where they meet one another—a joint—and provides them with a smooth surface that allows the bones to slide freely and not come in contact during movement. Articular cartilage usually does a great job at helping these joints to move smoothly, but over time, it can wear away. When this occurs, the condition is called arthritis.

Arthritis is general term that’s used to describe the loss of articular cartilage in one or more joints in the body. Approximately 54 million people are currently affected by arthritis to some extent, making it one of the most common medical conditions in the U.S. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, but the two that are seen most often are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis, by far the most common type of arthritis overall, involves a gradual wearing away of cartilage in certain joints, which makes them more vulnerable to bone-on-bone contact and damage over time. It typically affects weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips, but can also occur in various joints of the hands. Older adults—especially those over the age of 40—are most at risk for developing osteoarthritis, which is primarily related to age-related changes like bones become more dense and less water in the cartilage.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, meaning it’s caused by the body’s own immune system mistakenly destroying healthy cartilage in joints unknown reasons. It can affect any joint of the body, but usually starts in the small joints of the hand. Rheumatoid arthritis also tends to be associated with older age, but unlike osteoarthritis, does not occur due to age-related changes and is usually seen earlier in life. The average age for onset of rheumatoid arthritis is between 30-60, but it’s also seen in younger individuals as well.

Regardless of the type, these and other types of hand arthritis typically lead to a similar set of symptoms, which may include:

  • Severe pain and aching in the hand
  • Weakness and/or loss of range of motion
  • Stiffness, swelling, and/or redness
  • A sensation of “cracking” or “crushing” in the hand joints
  • Increased size or deformity of the hand

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure available for arthritis. Instead, treatment focuses on relieving pain and managing the patient’s underlying condition, and the best way to accomplish this is through physical therapy. By working one-on-one with each patient, your physical therapist can identify the particular type of arthritis that’s present, and then design a personalized treatment program to address your most bothersome symptoms. A typical treatment program for hand arthritis will consist of the following:

  • Manual (hands-on) therapy: may include soft-tissue massage, stretching, and joint mobilizations to reduce pain and improve alignment, mobility, and range of motion
  • Stretching exercises: to improve the flexibility of joints affected by arthritis
  • Strengthening exercises: to build back up strength of the muscles of the hand
  • Modalities: ultrasound, electrical stimulation, ice, and/or heat to decrease pain and inflammation of the involved joint

The results of a 2017 study show just how beneficial physical therapist-led exercises can be for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Its conclusion reads:

A hand exercise program is an effective adjunct to current drug management to improve hand function (for rheumatoid arthritis patients)

Arthritis of any sort can truly prove to be a nuisance that interferes with your ability to function normally in everyday life. So if you’re affected by hand arthritis, contact a physical therapist and get started on a road to less pain and better function.

Physical Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis

Physical therapist-guided exercises are best for patients with knee arthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition in which cartilage—the natural cushioning between joints—gradually wears away. Over time, this causes the bones of these joints to rub more closely against one another and leads to symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling, and a decreased ability to move the joint normally.

OA is the most common form of arthritis, and although it can occur in any joint in the body, it’s seen most often in the knees. Knee OA can also occur at any age, but the risk for developing it increases with older age because the body gradually loses its ability to heal the damaged cartilage. This is why about 10% of men and 13% of women over the age of 60 have knee OA. Being obese or overweight also increases the chances of developing knee OA, since the additional weight puts added pressure on the knees and accelerates the damage to cartilage.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for knee OA, but treatments like physical therapy are strongly recommended to reduce patients’ symptoms and help them function better in their everyday lives as a result. Physical therapy treatment programs typically consist of a number of components, such as education, manual (hands-on) therapy, and pain-relieving interventions like heat/ice and ultrasound, but the most important part of treatment is structured exercises.

Since the muscles of the leg affected by knee OA tend to become weaker and less flexible due to symptoms, a specific set of exercises are needed to target these areas. In particular, stretching and strengthening exercises should be performed for muscles of the calves, hips, and those in the front of the thigh (quadriceps) and the back of the thigh (hamstrings). Completing these exercises will help to better support and stabilize the knee, reduce stiffness, and increase fitness levels, which will allow patients to do more and improve their quality of life in the process.

For these reasons, doctors like general practitioners should be referring patients with knee OA to physical therapy for an appropriate treatment program, which research has shown to be a beneficial approach. But according to a recent study, this is not always the case. The study examined the attitudes and beliefs of 5,000 general practitioners regarding the use of exercise for knee OA patients, and it concluded with the following:

While general practitioners’ attitudes and beliefs regarding exercise for knee OA were generally positive, initiation of exercise was often poorly aligned with current recommendations, and barriers and uncertainties were reported.

These results suggest that although most doctors regard exercise and physical therapy in a positive light, many of them are not referring patients to receive these treatments. The reasons for this are not clear but may be related opioids and other treatments being prescribed, which can actually serve as a barrier to knee OA patients’ road to recovery. This is why individuals who are currently dealing with knee OA should see a physical therapist first, as doing so will lead to a faster start to treatments that are intended to help them improve, without delays or obstacles to their care.

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